Dear colleagues, dear friends,
Bearing in mind the successful model of the IHC(International Hernia Collaboration) group, we have decided to give birth to a similar professional association - HTC (Hernia Training Center) - for all abdominal wall surgeons, who’s main goal will be to organise workshops and conferences.
One of the main reasons we felt we needed to take this step was our need to be closer and more interactive with our colleagues who have the same interest as us, which is evolving as a whole in herniology.
I founded HTC with Alexandra Chelariu and Mircea Lica, and eliminated hierarchies that would rather put a break on our goals.
Our members will have unlimited access to educational materials which will include articles, weekly posts, but most of all live surgeries, straight from the operating table, with the possibility to interact with the operating team. Also, they will have priority access, with reduced fees, to all of the workshops and conferences organised by HTC, including this year’s Romanian Hernia Days.
Last, but not least, HTC members will have the opportunity to work as fellows in several clinics that we have partnered up with abroad.
Our aim is that both through HTC as well as through RHD we will become a trusted landmark for all of those who wish to have access to medical education of international standards.
We thank you all for taking this journey with us!
Prof. Dr. Victor RADU